Girls Varsity Wrestling is getting close to a wrap-up with their regional match on the way next week and only four days of practice left.
Sophomore Aryana Jones set herself a long-term goal to help her through this season of wrestling. She said Her main focus was to improve her wrestling skills and the Lafayette tournament really showed her growth. “In my first year at Lafayette, I placed 10th and this year I placed 3rd and I’m really proud of myself and how much I’ve improved,” Jones said.
With Jones’s second year doing wrestling, she really connected with the girls on her team, especially the seniors. “My favorite memory with them is when we all placed in the Edwardsville tournament,” Jones said.
The wrestling team’s record is 10-9, their recent two wins was the 618 Tournament in Edwardsville, which Jones placed first in and the Joe Bee Memorial girls International, where senior Elanna Hickman won the championship with a 3-0, winning two of her matches by pinning down her opponents.
Things are looking pretty good for the wrestling girls. They have a great to their season with the win and as the winning streaks keep coming their plan is to Keep improving and leaving it all on the mat for the people to watch.