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AHS52Edwardsville High School53Jan 17 / Boys Varsity Basketball
AHS51Collinsville High School56Jan 14 / Boys Varsity Basketball
AHS76St. Marys High School52Jan 11 / Boys Varsity Basketball
AHSNAAlthoff High SchoolNAJan 10 / Boys Varsity Basketball
AHS57Belleville West High School48Jan 7 / Boys Varsity Basketball
Students and staff gather outside the entrance to the auditorium after an unexpected fire alarm causes the school to be evacuated.
Alton High Varsity Cheer Team poses in their competition uniforms before competing at ICCA State. Photo Courtesy of @ahsredbirdscheer on Instagram
Junior point guard, Justice Haynes, faces off against a player from Incarnate Word Academy during their match up on Feb. 1.